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Status of Water Supply Planning in Virginia

In 2003, the Virginia General Assembly enacted legislation requiring development of a state water supply plan.  In 2008, regulations were adopted that established a process for that plan to be developed.  Each locality, working independently or in conjunction with other localities, was required to develop its own water supply plan.  All of the localities/regions have submitted plans to DEQ.  The map below reflects the planning regions.

Virginia finalized the State Water Resources Plan in October 2015 and can be accessed online here.  DEQ intends for this Plan to be a living document which is updated every five years.



Water Supply Planning Area in Virginia 
Click here to view the map (ppt) 

DEQ formed a Water Supply Advisory Committee to help address policy issues relating to development of the statewide water supply plan. Many of Mission H2O’s members participated on the Committee.  That Committee issued a report, which includes a suggested table of contents for the statewide plan, as well as recommendations on how that plan might be used.  A copy of the report can be found here